Alice Nine - Gemini
>> Sunday, 8 May 2011
It's been a while since I last mentioned any VK. But since I'm really into this album, I thought I might as well have a little squee over it.

CNBlue - Oetoriya (I'm a Loner)
>> Saturday, 11 December 2010
So, recently, I've been getting (back?) into Korean stuff - watching variety shows and attempting to learn the Abracadabra dance amongst other things....
My brother and I stumbled upon this song after watching an episode of Running Man guest starring CNBlue's frontman, Yonghwa. (He was the most useful member on his team :D)
I really like this style of music. Same with their song, Love. Swing, rock n' roll and similar-sounding music has always been to my taste since I heard Nightmare's Dasei Boogie.
But I guess the reason why I like these songs is because they're so not typically K-Pop. They play their own instruments. 8DDDDDDD
Kuroshitsuji the Musical 2 rant (LONG)
>> Friday, 3 December 2010
The Most Beautiful DEATH in the World
~1000 Souls and a Fallen Shinigami~
Before I say anything, I’d like to say that I have seen the first musical. Though it was okay, it seemed a little insubstantial and just…odd. And it most definitely paled in comparison to the second musical. They pulled out all the stops for this production – the cast is more extensive, there were more songs, more fight scenes, more dancing, more Seba-shita being awesome, more EVERYTHING. You know what they say, ‘less is more’? Well, they were lying.
Though I’ve watched it three times already (as I type this I’m watching it a fourth time), I’m still waiting on subtitles so I won’t analyse the plot so much since I don’t understand every detail. On the other hand, watching it without subtitles has allowed me to appreciate the visuals better (this is my rationale for watching raw versions of anime before the subs come out XD). This musical was a feast for the eyes, everything from the lights to the costumes.
Whenever I watch stuff like this, I don’t expect much because it’s really a niche market they’re appealing to. However, I sat through the entire prologue with my mouth agape. The visual tricks they played with Ciel disappearing and reappearing, the things flying in in-time with Sebastian’s hand gestures, the song – pretty much everything wowed me. They even painted the brand on Ciel's back!

The only thing that I wasn’t so impressed by was Ciel's lack of facial expression; I felt that in this part he was still just a terrified little boy. He could have at least looked like he was in pain when Sebastian formed the contract symbol in his eye… On the other hand, though I noticed that Sebastian wasn’t in his demon form like he was in the manga, I wasn’t bothered by it. I’m sure it’d be hard to walk in those heels in real life, let alone dance around and destroy a secret cult’s underground lair…
When the lights dimmed at the end of the song, I thought to myself “there’s no way the rest of the show can be this good”. I was sadly (or happily, if you think about it) mistaken. For a few seconds, I was wondering why Sebastian was just standing there, and why the spotlight was only on his upper half. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that in these few seconds, the cult base had been transformed into Ciel's bedroom, and Ciel had changed from his toga rags into stockings, shorts and a shirt…all in the space of half a minute. Nishii, I have so much respect for you right now.
Then they break up the dark mood with some light humour from the servants. I can’t fathom how Maylene’s actress could run in those giant boots of hers!

I really liked the technique they used with Sebastian narrating on the lower stage and the flashback of the murderer above. It adds dimension and helps tell the story better. They didn’t really do this sort of thing in the first musical, what with the stage dressing and all.
The scene at the Shinigami headquarters was introduced really well – the light adds impact and an ethereal feeling at the same time. You’re made to think that something epic is going to happen, but after the Shinigami do their little freeze frame, it’s just another day at the office for them. I enjoyed this little peek into their world. The fact that they have wheelie computer chairs was funny – though I guess since death gods are not bound by time, anything goes.
The cast of the Shinigami was excellent. Nama-Ron is a splitting image of anime/manga-Ron. It’s like he was born for this role! Alan’s actor looks a lot like Leader-Sama Cowrew (hurr), while nama-Eric looks so much like the illustration Tobso Yana drew. Their costumes are all wonderful too. Being a big fan of detail, I would die for Eric’s shirt collar. Heheh.

And then we have the SONG/DANCE. Though their singing is slightly out of time with the music in some bits (understandable, considering the dance), it’s really catchy. The choreography made me lol (that Mexican wave, and the Grease Lightning-reminiscent move). It was ridiculous and awesome at the same time, especially for Grell, who does it all in heels! I found that it was a little long though, and I can’t help but feel that they shouldn’t have gone up a key in the last bit. Nevertheless, it was pure win.

Can’t say much about Abberline and his new friend Sharpe though. They’re funny, but I get the feeling that they’re trying too hard. Abberline was much funnier in the first musical – he’s way too slapstick in this one. Sharpe looks like your mass-produced Japanese salaryman too, but it’s good how they threw in his love of research, otherwise he’d be a pretty flat character. It seems that Sebastian also serves as a comic relief every now and then too, more often than in the first musical. The sort of stuff he does is more silly-funny than cute-funny or witty-funny though, much like Abberline and Sharpe. Almost reminds me of Claude…
…or Undertaker. Hmm. No, there’s really nobody like the Undertaker. He’s so amazingly creepy and retarded, and I mean that in the best way possible. This is one part where I’m sad for not knowing what they’re talking about – I’m certain that this time, instead of Undertaker demanding a good laugh, he wants something to do with love? Like, make him fall in love or something?? I have no idea. Whatever it is though, it makes Ciel squirm uncomfortably and leads into a fantabulous song.
Alan vs. Sebastian was a fun change from all the singing and dancing. Alan and his garden-slasher thing against Sebastian's silverware…too bad it’s short lived. The song that follows is beautiful though, and haunting. I could listen to it again and again… poor Alan though. He really is such a sweetie. And his ho-yay relationship with Eric is adorable. Alan’s solo is really moving, though I don’t know the translation off the top of my head.

Again, there is a change in the mood. It’s always good to have a balance, and I think after such an emotionally-burdened scene with Alan and Eric, Grell the Redhead Rapist in frilly lingerie is a welcome(?) sight. Although I’m not entirely sure why he’s tied up. Oh well, the subs will sort that out once they’re released. His song sounds a little similar to Sebastian's Ai wa Chi Mamire, but that’s okay, since they’re both really good songs. Uehara-san is fabulous, being able to dance like that and all. I’m a little confused as to what happens next though, with Sebastian. Do they…? Oh, my cheeks are going red…
The next highlight for me was Eric vs. Sebastian, most definitely. And stealing Grell’s Deathscythe made me chuckle. It’s extremely hard to choreograph a good fight scene onstage (believe me, I know) but this one was done well – there was sufficient action for it to qualify as a fight scene, but it was simple enough to not look like a complete mess. And oh! When Eric gets injured by the Deathscythe and the cinematic record starts…the sudden burst of bright light was so well-timed it made me squirm in my seat~!

However, due to my inability to understand Japanese, I have very little idea what happens in the next little bit, where the Viscount of Druitt kidnaps the two girls. I understand his obsession with robins and stuff, but the conversation that takes place between him and Eric, and then the subsequent events with Alan, are a blur to me. The Viscount’s song made me laugh though, the epic-ness of the chorus especially, though because I don’t like seeing women humiliated (not entirely sure why really, I’m no feminist) it sort of cringed through most of it.
The scene before the intermission was pretty cool, with the entire cast assembled on the brink of the opera event – it serves to point out to the audience that things are coming to a climax. I love how Grell sort of flutters around the stage trying to read the invitation, and tugging on Finny’s arm but of course he doesn’t budge. It was also quite brilliant to have the opera free to women and children, with men allowed only if they are accompanied by women and children. It basically sets everyone up to crossdress XD And of course, the last thing you must hear before the curtain falls is Sebastian's famous line,
“Iyess, mai roodo”.
After the intermission, we are welcomed back to the show with Ciel grunting. Sadly, unless you haven’t seen or read Kuro before, you’ll already know that this is the corset scene. Although it still would’ve been nice if Nishii had moaned more than he grunted to make it more misleading (roflmao). But perhaps if I knew what Seba-shita was saying it’d be less obvious? Hmm.
Suddenly, the Phantomhive estate has become Trap Central, with Ciel in his komadori dress, Grell in a rather revealing gown and Alan looking rather charming in a princess-lolita style gown and a feather headdress. I squeed when he went onstage, it was just so adorable. The gowns are gorgeous and they suit the actors really well. They even did Grell’s hair up all nice.

So, the opera. Not much to say about it really. The Viscount really reminds me of Kamijo though. Especially with those costumes of his. And it’s so scarily cute the way he says “Eric-kun, matte yo!”.
The Phantomhive servants look pretty decent too, except Finny in his 80’s reminiscent suit-and-bowtie number. It was cool too how the singer is like a wind-up toy. Very clever indeed. And then we have Sebastian invading Ciel's personal space. Probably one of the highlights of the scene.

And I know that when Alan meets Eric at the opera, it’s supposed to be really dramatic, but all I can imagine is Eric thinking “what is he wearing?” XD
The mess that follows is quite spectacular, but it is a little hard to keep up with – I had to watch quite carefully in order to see who engages whom in battle and all that. Ah well, in the end, Ciel gets abducted as usual.
The second time we see Alan and Eric alone, there’s a lot of agitation and a conversation that I can’t understand. It’s a shame because it’s probably very important… though from what I gather, Alan tries to kill himself in his despair, and Eric stops him, giving away a fact that is a key point in the story. And then they take off their glasses and run off somewhere. Although I couldn’t understand any of the dialogue, I kinda get the general feeling from this simple action. It almost made me cry the first time I watched it.

We get interrupted again by Sebastian's Claude-like strangeness, before returning to Alan and Eric. There is a lot of emotion packed into the accompanying song and Eric’s struggle against the hooded people (souls?) – beautiful.

What happens next is quite cliché – Eric tries to kill Ciel, but kind-hearted Alan jumps in and dies instead. Nevertheless, it’s a touching scene. The timely ringing of bells makes it all the more surreal. Amazingly, in the cinematic record, both Eric and Alan have their glasses on again. Did they have a spare pair in their pocket? I didn’t notice them reaching for them… I is baffled. D:
Anyway, I can’t find words to summarise the ending. There’s a lump in my throat… I think that that’s enough of an explanation.

I feel so sad after watching this again! I must watch the backstage clips to cheer myself up. Don’t get me wrong though, I absolutely love media that makes me sad. I’ve also noticed that I’ve written an entire essay already, though I still have lots more to say, and even more so once I understand the plot fully… Oh my.
Togainu no Chi (TV)
>> Wednesday, 13 October 2010
So, Togainu no Chi has been released as an anime. Rumour has is that there is no yaoi in it...which, I guess, won't detract too much from the storyline. But this was one of the last scenes in the OP:
The first episode was somewhat unremarkable. It was pretty much a condensed form of the beginning of the game up until Akira sets foot in Toshima.
A couple of things to note though, were that Motomi didn't appear in the OP (at least, I didn't notice him), and Shiki appears. It surprised me that they'd introduce him in the very first episode, even before Rin...
True to the game, however, Keisuke is still a sniveling Akira fanboy, and Akira still only says 'tsu' or '...'. He has yet to say 'hanase' though, but I look forward to it. It seems to be his favourite line. XD
Yeah it doesn't take much to figure out that I really don't like Keisuke at all. He's too much of a pushover...and by the looks of the first ep, I don't think my opinion is subject to change any time soon. Although...I couldn't stand Rin at first but now I think he's kinda cool after completing his story...could be the lol-I'm-related-to-Shiki thing...
But Keisuke is such a DUMBASS. I really don't like him...

Another point I'd like to make is that the art is quite terrible. Perhaps it's an A-1 thing. I mean, Kuroshitsuji II was pretty heinous... I am disappoint. Take a look at these:

And the part that really takes the cake. I think this was supposed to be a tense, dramatic scene, but it was just cheesy and tacky and I spent the entire time laughing.
Ep 2 has just been put up. Sad as it is, I will probably watch the series anyway, for the characters and for the hope that it may turn out half decent (K2 was half decent - but of course that means that it was half shit too).
*fingers crossed*
Pop music?!
>> Sunday, 3 October 2010
So, I wanted to comment on/squee over one guy in particular:
Matsushita Yuya.
Or Yuya Matsushita if you wanna be all Westernised and stuff.

He is one year younger than me.
Sometimes when I think of this, it makes me feel sad.
Despite that, I think he is pretty deserving of his fame. The guy has such a sweet voice. Although I think that some of his songs could use more bass. He's better suited to ballads and stuff I think.
But yeah. What can I say? I'm envious but at the same time I really admire him.
So, here are a couple of his songs. Bird, the ED for KSTJ, and Trust Me, the DRRR ED: