>> Saturday, 26 December 2009

Top to bottom: Hiroki (D), Ruki (The GazettE), Kouki (D=OUT), Hitsugi (Nightmare), Jui (Vidoll), Jasmine You (Versailles), Asagi (D)
does my bum look big in this fangirl costume?
Top to bottom: Hiroki (D), Ruki (The GazettE), Kouki (D=OUT), Hitsugi (Nightmare), Jui (Vidoll), Jasmine You (Versailles), Asagi (D)
Eight men in pleather
Seven fluffy jackets
Six bathing bishies
Five piiiiiiiierciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings....
Four bottle blondes
Three short things
Two ugly maws
And a Kaoru with a goatee.
Outside, clockwise from Top Left: Uruha (The GazettE), Mana, Ruiza (D), Toshiya (Dir en grey), Sakito (Nightmare), Giru (Vidoll)
Centre, L-R: Shinya (Dir en grey), Gackt
Read more...Blaaaaaaaargh this song makes me want to dance.
Ah, Asagi. If I could only have a voice like yours. @_@
I've been on their official site, browsing through their diary entries and yoinking pictures. *Is pleased with self* And apparently, Ruiza is 5cm tall and weighs 1 tonne. XDDD Kinda disappointed though - I wanted to know how tall...or short...he is!
I've listened to this damned song 34 times this evening.
Seven fluffy jackets
Six bathing bishies
Five piiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeerciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings....
Four bottle blondes
Three short things
Two ugly maws
And a Kaoru with a goatee.
Grr for some reason blogger won't publish these posts with the correct formatting. All the html is correct and everything!! D
Anyway, Top row L-R: Toshiya (Dir en grey), Hyde (L'arc), Ruka (Nightmare), Kanoma (ex-Fatima)
Bottom row L-R: Miyavi, Gackt, hide (ex-X)
Read more...Six bathing bishies
Five piiiieeerrrciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings....
Four bottle blondes
Three short things
Two ugly maws
Three short things
Two ugly maws
And a Kaoru with a goatee.
Yes, I AM referring to Yomi (Nightmare), Ruiza (D), and Kyo (Dir en grey). I didn't think Ruiza was that short...but standing next to his bandmates, he's a real midget. O_o;;
Oh yes, the last post featured the beautiful teeth of Miyavi and Toshiya (Dir en grey). They're old pictures... I don't know what Meev's teeth look like now, but I know that Totchi got braces a few years back or something like that...
I had Christmas dinner with the girls from church the other evening, and we were watching/discussing the music video for Lady Gaga's latest song Bad Romance.
One of my dear friends kept insisting there was a part in it where Lady Gaga looked like Marilyn Manson. This, of course, got me curious. We watched in anticipation. I was waiting for red contact lenses, strange haircuts and the like. This is what I got instead.
I admit that it's not what society considers 'normal' makeup, but it's quite ordinary for me, seeing a face like this. Usually it's male...although Gaga does look somewhat mannish imo. |D
And lastly, here's a picture of Mana, for good measure. Because his makeup pwns.
I'm still seriously addicted to Rainbows. Trust me to be the last person on Earth to listen to the song and then pay it incessantly...
Anyway, I thought I should get all Christmassy and do a '12 Days of Christmas', J-style. Although I'm a little behind so I'll pick up the slack and all that. Very good.
Out of the ashes, a fangirl has been resurrected. D:
Herein I shall devote my posts to squeeing over various people/things as I see fit. And maybe add in some witty or intellectual comment along the way. Maybe.
Squeeing has always been my forte.
ANYWAY. This post is dedicated to Alice nine., and their PV for Rainbows.
I don't know what it was about this video - whether it was the treadmill-catwalk or Saga's awkward shoulder pads or Shou's stupid glasses or the fact that the song is so oddly CATCHY (unlike a lot of their other songs) - but once I watched it, I was so overcome that I decided to create a whole new blog just so I could fangirl over it!
I actually like the guitar work in this song too. Now I'm no music expert, but this sort of tune really...er...strikes a chord...with...me..........
I also really love how Saga whips his head around like no tomorrow. I dunno. It's the fangirl in me. I've always loved that guy. I even bought a Banaki pencil case 'cos it looks like him...
Dunno...usually I'm not one to enjoy PV's that don't tell a good story, but I was so distracted by the damned coolness of this PV that I forgot my preferences altogether. I may even look into a few more Alice nine. works later. I almost feel bad for suddenly dropping them several years back.
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