Miyavi - Survive & Super Hero

>> Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Miyavi always manages to do something fantastic to his guitar. Not on his guitar, but to it. Anyone can play something on the guitar, but Meev does something to his, resulting in that Miyavi-sound.

That being said, though this song is funky and gets me tapping an enthusiastic foot, there isn't much that's remarkable about this song. It sounds like a lot of the songs he's churned out in the last couple of years. Seriously. I listened to it, thought to myself, "any minute now it'll get interesting" and then the song ended. :/

I note that in this PV he has the 'samurai extensions' in his hair. He apparently hates them. I would hate them too actually, mostly for the fact that it would allow me to wear a cap like that. Hats are generally supposed to fit around your head, not hover on top of it. Silly Meev. And anyway...how does that hat stay in place?? He swings his head around so much, but the hat never moves! *cowers in fear of unshakable hat*

Super Hero

Mixed feelings about this song. It's sad but has an attitude. The lyrics are sweet and sentimental... like he is. xD But every time I listen to it, it grows on me. So eventually my feelings will be less mixed.

The tune sounds like the beginnings of something epic, with the strings and whatnot, and I love the guitar work. Still, I feel the rapping is out of place in this song. The sadditude isn't really my thing, I don't think. I kinda miss his light-hearted, more cheerful tunes. They suit sentimental lyrics more. Like Ashita, Genki ni Nare.

All in all, perhaps Meev should take a break and spend more time with baby Lovelie until he comes up with something truly kickass.


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