>> Sunday, 20 June 2010
So I've been getting into anime/manga a lot this year, what with the bf living in a different city and all. I also acquired some Vocaloid music from my classmate recently. As a result, I've been inspired to do all manner of fanwork that I stopped doing since coming to university.
These are the first sketches I've ever finished in one sitting. Usually I draw a little, and then I run out of inspiration/determination and will proceed to complete the picture over a number of months/years. Thus, I am excessively proud of them. So much so that I am willing to show them here.So this is Vincent Nightray from Pandora Hearts. He's awfully rough, and drawn on lined paper... But I haven't drawn something like this before. ;u;
Alt art of Kagamine Len in the SPICE! PV. I am so very pleased with how this one turned out. I even cleaned him up a little and may scan and colour him later... We'll see how that goes.
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