My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of You

>> Sunday, 6 June 2010

I don't actually like many songs off Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. However, this songs always gets my lacrymal glands going.

Okay, for one, I am aware that the lyrics make no sense... But they do give the listener a sense of what the song really means. In fact, the words are sung with such emotion that you forget how silly they sound when read plainly. There's also quite a bit of imagery, as opposed to non-palpable, feeling-based lyrics. The repetition also works to make the song sound pitiful (for want of a better word).

The music is, to match the title, quite haunting in that it sounds so very plain and understated in the verse. The spite and anger in the chorus can be felt with the help of the guitars, though there's nothing too special about the technique... (although, I'm not one to be the judge of that).
And then there's the instrumental. It's so full of despair and pain. The guitars work their subtle magic throughout, and that line that's whispered just before it, "If I fall down" is the perfect prelude to it.

As for the video, MCR seems to have a knack for making creative videos to go with their songs. I haven't seen much creativity lately when it comes to PVs. It goes very well with the theme of love and loss. It's indeed very human. Watching it makes me tear up every time... Gawd I'm so pathetic... The highlight of the video for me though was the transition between the dance hall and the beach scene, where the dancefloor is filled with the incoming tide. I never thought I'd witness such brilliance from a band that's been associated with whiny teenaged emos.


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